
Contemporary challenges include the climate crisis, war, inequality and widening gaps, while social media algorithms seem to favour hate and polarization. We want to be a counterweight!

Let's help each other to envision. What could the narratives around positive visions of the future look like? They are often called utopias and many argue that they are not possible, but it could be different!

Rosendal Garden Party, together with the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts and ArkDes, has launched an open call for artists around the theme: POSITIVE VISIONS OF THE FUTURE and selected a bunch of incredible artists.

Read more about each artist below:

Den Stora Väven

Den Stora Väven, or The Great Weave, created by Karin Victorin, Rebecca Tiger and Olle Bjerkås, offers a glimpse into the future. LumenMind, a 'space vessel' from a future dimension, opens its 'Future Obsession Booth' for reflection on digitalization, AI, war and climate crisis. The project, supported by the Postcode Foundation, explores sustainability through imagination.


SymbioLab, founded in 2009 by artists Julia Adzuki and Patrick Dallard, is a mobile laboratory for relational art, ecology and listening. They invite body-centered art experiences and a playful approach to ecology.

Ruben Wätte

Ruben Wätte works with public art and uses anarchist pedagogy to create changes in the inner and outer landscape of the co-creators.

Paola Torres Núñez del Prado

Paola Torres Núñez del Prado is a transmedia artist and curator from Peru who explores the limits of the senses and cultural hegemony through her art. Her work is in the collections of the National Arts Council and Malmö City Museum.

Ossian Theselius

Ossian Theselius is an artist born in Stockholm in 1983. He experiments with many different techniques and will present a big dreamy vision of the future on fabric at Rosendal.

Anne Li Karlsson

Anne-Li Karlsson is a Stockholm-based visual artist who moves between animation, illustration and her own artistic projects. For Rosendal Garden Party, she creates a colorful mural with the audience in focus.

Saba Tadele

Saba Tadele's work tells stories, captures moments and expresses the complexity of the human condition in a way that is both poignant and universal. By bringing together different elements such as objects, colors and brushstrokes, she weaves a rich tapestry of experiences and emotions that invite the viewer to explore her inner world.

Cecilia Ulfsdotter Klementsson

Cecilia Ulfsdotter Klementsson paints naked bodies performing drag through 'the pose', which she calls naked drag, the bodies parody and challenge gender roles and fantasize about the possibility of a gender-free utopia. During the festival, Klementsson will draw visitors on a podium in a crocodile concert.

Roberto N Peyre

In his artistic practice he works with performance, images, objects, video, sound, musicality through processions, installations and interventions.

Ita Drew

Ita Drew is a multidisciplinary artist who also has a career in costume design and making. After finishing her Masters at Konstfack 2022, her artistic expression focuses on the transformation from within when wearing costumes. Drew see’s that by having opportunities to wear costumes one can transform themselves, that create new perspectives of how they view themselves and the world around them.

David Wätte

Mask maker and puppet maker for more than 25 years at his own puppet studio Spixa. In addition to other people's and his own productions for theater, museum, television and film, he is also passionate about helping others create and develop in workshops, creative school or various open workshops. During the festival, he helps visitors to create their own mask based on the festival's theme “positive visions of the future” a creative transformation and what you want to become
